
All the Fridays

Friday is often referenced as the best day of the workweek because it is the last day, but what about those that work a schedule where Friday is not the last day. You would think that they would say “Woohoo, it’s Wednesday – I don’t have to work for two days” (three? one? ah well who cares, there are days and there is no work on those days), but no instead what is more often heard is “It’s my Friday!”. It is as if the word Friday is no longer just a day of the week but a word that means the last day before you have days of no work. It has been used (I know because I’ve not only heard it but done it myself) to refer to the day before a vacation period starts as well. This is the Friday that belongs to me! regardless of any Friday that anyone else has – this is mine!

This state of facts leads me to wonder if this is true in other places and cultures. Do other countries (or places in this country because, well, there are many places I haven’t been) and other languages reference Friday in this way? In France, is Vendredi (yes this is the French word for Friday; I don’t remember a lot of High School French but some can be, arguably, useful) used the same, or do they have a specific word?

Well, it’s official, I’ve started rambling, time to stop before I state debating the customs of Coruscant instead of Earth… do you think they have a word for it?