
Stay Out of Each Other

There is a weekend brief at work on the last day of the week to address the normal “Hey, don’t be stupid while having some fun on the days you don’t have to be here”. This brief is hardly ever anything new, but I heard a new one recently; “Stay out of each other”. I was in shock for a minute thinking that I had heard that wrong but, nope, my hearing is not actually the culprit… this time. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended, it is just really funny – the kind of funny that has you putting your forehead in your hand while simultaneously shaking said appendage (your head, not your hand – although, I guess in that circumstance it would be the same difference… maybe – stop trying it).

Now, some people somewhere are still going “WTF”, so let me explain; this is a reference to not going out and engaging in fraternization with coworkers, of the intimate kind (because fraternization has a lot of different meanings – you should look it up sometime). This, of course, only happens on the weekends when people are actually not at work… no, nope, nada; I’m sure it happens all the time no matter what day of the week it is. I have no knowledge of any of these happenings though – so, maybe it does only happen when it is the weekend and they forget to tell us not to before leaving that last day. Ultimately, all it takes for people to make smart choices is to be reminded not to make “stupid choices” before we leave work for the weekend. And remember “Stay out of each other”.