
O”blog”atory Thanksgiving Post

My first post and the mandatory holiday post shall have to be the same.

So, welcome to my blog! I will endeavor to not be boring but that shall be the only promise I’m making about post content.

Now for the mandatory holiday part… as every blogger everywhere (in the United States at least, not sure about anywhere else) posts what they are thankful for. I am thankful that I have an excuse to stay in my house and in my pajamas for the whole day. It has taken me years to be able to stay home and eat food on Thanksgiving instead of driving to relatives’ houses to eat food. Don’t get me wrong, I love my relatives, but I’m an introvert (in case you didn’t see the name of the site) and it is overwhelming to be in a small living room with a lot of people. Anyway, it is a day to celebrate the unlocking of the adulting achievement that allows me to stay home from work and eat food.